Join us while we build our library!

This is a work in progress so please be patient, I will be adding as we go.

This is a place to collect all the useful homestead information as I can create or find it. From garden cheat sheets to links to my favorite items, to videos that we have found helpful along our homestead, food freedom journey!

I hope you can find something useful, check back often for updates.

Happy Homestead Journey Friends,


Guides and resources found in the Library include…

compost infogram

Pre-sprouting rununculaş

companion planting guide

regenerative farming practices

New Chick Care Sheet

Garden Pest Identification Sheet

Average Plant Yield- How much to grow for your family.

Soil Management Infogram

Guide to Pinching Flowers

Pasture Raised Poultry Infogram

10 Natural Fertilizers

Beginner Guide to Starting an Herb Garden